Monday, November 21, 2005

Memo Madness

It was difficult, but I got my memo within the page limits. I thought I started working on it early enough, but I wish I had another day to look at it.

Now I can focus on my doctrinal courses and prepare for finals. Torts is first on Monday, Dec. 5, Civil Procedure, Dec. 9, Property, Dec. 12, and Contracts, December 15. As my friend Kim Kossie would say, "Those who know the words of prayer, pray for me."

For the first time in the entire semester, I did not prepare for Contracts. That memo had me so strung out. I like Contracts, so I will definitely read the cases instead of relying on briefs. I'm disappointed because I'd gotten into the practice of doing all my contracts reading over the weekend. I don't know why it bothers me since we only have one more set of reading to do. Oh, well.

1 comment:

Tiny le Chef said...

i love the quote from your friend! i know the language of good thoughts, so i'll send some your way. :)