Wednesday, September 28, 2005


This is a wonderful time in my life. I'm sure I've mentioned how much I love to learn. There is always something new to learn, and the process is great.

I can see how being older is very helpful because for one thing, I don't have a problem with being wrong. I can remember being either a senior in college or a very recent graduate. I had volunteered to do a newsletter for a church and was devastated when the pastor had a bunch of changes and dared to correct my typos! I have come a long way from that bright-eyed, know-it-all. Growth is good.

My point is that when you are in law school, so many things you thought you knew are challenged on levels you would never think about. I actually like this process. I like having my understanding of fundamental principles challenged and in rare cases, affirmed. In most cases, I'm learning about fundamental principles that I never even considered.

I've shared about my personal family struggles to some extent because I want to make the point that when you embark on something challenging like law school, things may happen that could cause you to totally lose focus. It may be true that some things can be so devastating that you may have to withdraw from school. However, it is possible to continue even in the midst of a crisis. I spoke to a couple of deans and one of my professors (because I missed one of his classes) about my situation, and the support I received was genuine and understanding.

So, although this is one of the most challenging times in my life on a personal and academic level, it is also a most wonderful time. What doesn't destroy you can only make you stronger.

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